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Proficiency Testing

Proficiency Testing (PT) is a key requirement for accreditation to both ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189. For the past 40 years, we’ve been leveraging our technical expertise and influence to drive the future of PT and quality assurance. We currently provide programmes with localised support across a global network - to over 13,000 laboratories in more than 160 countries.


AXIO Proficiency Testing, LGC’s trusted experts in proficiency testing, operate programmes and schemes across the food, beverage, environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, consumer safety, forensic and petroleum sectors - giving you confidence in your results and helping drive your laboratory’s continuous improvement.


Watch our Latest PT Panel!

Watch out latest webinar on assuring the integrity of herbs and spices, featuring panelists from McCormick, Barts Ingredients, BRCGS, and UK Deputy Government Chemist, Selvarani Elahi MBE.

Watch now
Banner Allergens-min.jpg

The LGC AXIO PT 2024 Catalogue is now here!

Our 2024 catalogue is fully interactive giving you access to application forms, scheme descriptions, new products for 2025, added information through videos, and you can even search for a specific product code using the pinned search bar.

Download now

Download our whitepaper on PFAS!

Have you read our recent whitepaper, where we explore the subject of the forever chemicals, also know as Per and polyfluorinated alkyl substances?

Download now
  • Watch our Latest PT Panel!

    Assuring the integrity of herbs & spices – challenges and best practice

  • The LGC AXIO PT 2024 Catalogue is now here!


  • Download our whitepaper on PFAS!

    Emerging pollutants of environmental concern: PFAS

{{ errored.message }}

{{ favouriteItem.successMessage }}

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{{ addToCartData.mixPtRmWarning }}

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{{requestQuote.productName}}; {{requestQuote.form.productCode}}


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Part number:  {{ coaPopupData.packSize.code }}

{{ errors.first('lotNumber') }}

{{ errors.first('requestEmail') }}

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Dove possiamo inviare il CoA richiesto?

Inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail e ti invieremo il CoA pertinente per i lotti:
{{ coaPopupData.packSize.coaSelectedLotNumbers }}

{{ errors.first('coaEmail') }}

Inserendo il tuo indirizzo e-mail, confermi di dare il tuo consenso a LGC per condividere occasionalmente informazioni relative ai prodotti di cui sopra e ad altri prodotti simili. LGC tratterà i tuoi dati personali in conformità con tutte le norme e i regolamenti applicabili sulla protezione dei dati. Per informazioni relative al trattamento dei dati da parte di LGC, consultare la nostra Informativa sulla privacy qui sotto (vedi piè di pagina).

Invieremo il CoA al tuo indirizzo e-mail  {{ coaEmailPopupData.userEmail }}


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Dove possiamo inviare la SDS richiesta?
Part number:  {{ sdsPopupData.packSize.code }}

{{ errors.first('selectedRegion') }}

{{ errors.first('sdsEmail') }}

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Per informazioni sulle nostre attività di trattamento dei dati, visita la nostra Informativa sulla privacy.

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